HC Deb 25 March 1936 vol 310 cc1234-5
11. Mr. RILEY

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any peace negotiations are taking place between Italy and Abyssinia either directly or through the League of Nations?


On 23rd March the Committee of Thirteen adopted a resolution taking note of the replies given by the Italian and Ethiopian Governments to the appeal addressed to them by the Committee on 3rd March. These replies, as my hon. Friend the Member for Colchester (Mr. Lewis) was informed on 16th March, expressed readiness, in principle, to take part in negotiations. The resolution further requested the Chairman of the Committee, assisted by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, to get into touch with the two parties and to take such steps as might be called for in order that the Committee might be able, as soon as possible, to bring the two parties together and, within the framework of the League and in the spirit of the Covenant, to bring about the prompt cessation of hostilities and the final restoration of peace. I have no information respecting any direct negotiations between the two parties. The Ethiopian Government have denied that any such negotiations are in progress.


Has the hon. Gentleman any information in the nature of proposals which are suggested, and, if so, will he make a statement to the House at an early date?


No, Sir. I have no information at the present time.