HC Deb 16 March 1936 vol 310 c13
26. Mr. McGOVERN

asked the Minister of Pensions the total number of blind and insane persons on pension in Great Britain from the result of the War of 1914–18?

Sir JAMES BLINDELL (Lord of the Treasury)

I have been asked to reply. I am informed that the number of pensions in payment in respect of eye affections assessed at 100 per cent, is approximately, 1,990. The number of pensioners certified as of unsound mind in mental institutions is about 5,990.

27. Mr. McGOVERN

asked the Minister of Pensions the number of persons who have applied for reconsideration of their pension claims for each year since January, 1920; and how many have been granted pensions for each year?


I understand that the records of the Ministry do not enable these particulars to be given.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that there is great dissatisfaction among a large number of ex-service men who have been turned down for pension awards; and that outside medical authorities have certified many of them as suffering from disability while Departmental medical men have certified that they are not suffering from any disability; and is it proposed to set up any further local medical authority that would give greater consideration to these ex-service men?


I will pass on that question to my hon. Friend.

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