HC Deb 03 March 1936 vol 309 c1176
32. Sir P. HANNON

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the operation of the German law passed on 29th June, 1935, which enables the German chamber of economics to order a compulsory levy among their members by groups and to employ the funds thus raised for purposes of an export subsidy; and, as the effect of this law is a violation of the spirit of the Anglo-German Trade Agreement, whether he will state when he proposes to denounce the Agreement, in order to prevent the continuance of the dumping of subsidised goods?


I am aware of the German law to which my hon. Friend refers. As regards the second part of the question, I assume that he has in mind the Agreement constituted by the Anglo-German Exchange of Notes of April—May, 1933. I do not think that in present circumstances His Majesty's Government would be justified in giving notice of denunciation.


Is not this question of the future arrangement of oversea agreements of profound importance to the manufacturing industries of this country, and will subsidisation of the export trade by foreign countries, in competition with our own manufacturers in this market, be taken into consideration by the Government?


Yes, Sir. That is the reason why we are devoting so much time and attention to this matter day by day.