HC Deb 24 June 1936 vol 313 cc1747-8

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the old city of Jaffa was detroyed without adequate warning to the inhabitants and without any opportunity for them to find suitable new quarters; that recognised holy places were destroyed and dynamite was used, to the terror of the women and children; and whether he will consider a new and non-military solution of the problems that have arisen in Palestine?


It is not the case that the old city of Jaffa has been destroyed. What has happened is that it has been considered necessary to demolish a certain limited number of houses to enable two new roads to the port to be constructed through the labryinth of the old city. This work has been carried out, after due warning to the inhabitants, by Royal Engineers, and special arrangements have been made for the accommodation of families whose houses were to be demolished and who had difficulty in finding accommodation elsewhere. Families who have been obliged to evacuate their houses in the old city are being paid for one week a special compensatory allowance. I am glad to say there were no casualties.


Are we to take it that there was a possibility of someone being injured? How could the demolition have been carried out without such a possibility, seeing that dynamite was used and the houses round about those which were being demolished were shaken by the charge, and the women were terrified?


Full warning on two consecutive occasions was given to the inhabitants. The police entered the first house and moved the people before any demolition began, and until the police and the military were satisfied that all persons had been removed, both from the houses and from the immediate area of danger, no dynamite was used. When they were satisfied that all was clear then the dynamite was used and the houses were cleared away.


Are we to take it that the police and the military are to be congratulated on having got the people out before the houses were dynamited?


Certainly; that was the whole object.