§ 12. Mr. MAXTONasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has received any report of the strike at the naval station at Trincomalle; what were the grievances of the men affected; and whether any steps have been taken to remedy the grievances?
§ The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Ormsby-Gore)I have not yet received the report for which my predecessor asked, but, as soon as I do, I will communicate with the hon. Member.
§ Mr. MAXTONSurely one can get a thing of this sort from Ceylon in less than a month?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREThe ordinary mail takes a fortnight each way, and I 194 gather that, before the Governor reports, he wants to have a detailed investigation.
§ Mr. MAXTONAre there not men working directly for the British Government at the naval station, and should not they have some information as to the conditions under which these men are working?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREThat is a question for the Admiralty; they are not appointed by a Colonial Government.
§ 15. Sir ASSHETON POWNALLasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet received the report from the Governor of Ceylon with regard to the recent electoral disturbances?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREI have just received the report, but as a number of cases arising out of the elections are still sub judice, consideration of the question of publication must be deferred.