HC Deb 30 July 1936 vol 315 cc1710-1
43. Sir P. HARRIS

asked the Home Secretary, in view of the increasingly high rate of accidents to young workers under 18, reported by His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Factories in his Annual Report, what administrative action he proposes to remedy this?


A joint committee of representatives of the Factory Department and of the National Confederation of Employers' Organisations has been specially formed to consider what more can be done in various ways to reduce factory accidents among juveniles; and I understand that they are now formulating recommendations which I trust will result in a considerable improvement. The position will be further reviewed on receipt of their report. Further, special inquiries are being made into the precise circumstances of accidents to juveniles with a view to seeing whether they suggest any additional lines of action. Meantime I am glad to note from the Chief Inspector's report that the attention drawn to this matter in his previous report has already stimulated considerably increased activity at various works.