HC Deb 13 July 1936 vol 314 cc1826-7

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."

11.34 p.m.


May I ask the Minister to give the Committee some explanation of what this Bill is about? It has passed through several stages, including Second Reading, without the Minister being prepared to vouchsafe any information as to what the Bill deals with. I hope he will be good enough to tell us in a few words what each Clause is about.

11.35 p.m.


I do not think the Committee will expect me to go through the Bill, Clause by Clause, but I shall give a general outline of what the Measure is intended to do. It is for the purpose of acquiring sites—four in all—of which two are in London, one in Manchester and one in Hereford. These sites are for extensions of Post Office accommodation rendered necessary by the expansion of Post Office business. The sites have been carefully selected, negotiations regarding them have been in progress for a considerable time and I am glad to say that we have been able to arrive at satisfactory agreement with all the parties concerned. No opposition whatever was offered to the Bill when it was before the Select Committee. The cost of the work will be considerable and it will mean employment for a good many people. There are certain financial provisions which could not be dealt with in another place and which the Committee will be asked to insert in the appropriate Clauses. As there is no opposition from any of the parties concerned in London, Manchester or Hereford, I suggest that the Committee will not consider it necessary to devote much time to the consideration of the Bill to-night and if any further explanation on any point is required by hon. Members, I shall be pleased to give it. I should say that I personally visited the two London sites, certain objections having been raised in the early stages of these proposals, and I am glad to say that as a result of my visit and following upon negotiations, we were able to reach a very satisfactory conclusion.

Clauses 2 to 6 ordered to stand part of the Bill.