HC Deb 07 July 1936 vol 314 cc1031-2
65. Mr. KIRBY

asked the Minister of Health the population of the city of Liverpool at 31st December, 1925, the number of ordinary relief cases at the same date and the amount per annum paid in relief, the number of insured persons, and the percentage of insured workers unemployed, at the same date, and the comparable figures at 31st December, 1935?


As the answer is long and contains a number of figures in tabular form, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT giving the desired information so far as it is available.

Following is the answer:

The Registrar-General's estimates of population relate to the middle of each year. The estimated population of the city of Liverpool was 856,000 in 1925 and 854,500 in 1935. Information is not available in regard to the number of persons in receipt of poor relief or the amount of out-relief in the city of Liverpool earlier than 31st March, 1930. The average number of persons (including dependants) not ordinarily engaged in some regular occupation who were in receipt of out-relief in the city of Liverpool during December, 1935, was 26,952, and the total expenditure on out-relief to this class in 1935 was £447,739. Particulars of the estimated number of insured persons are available in respect of July only in each year, and the figures relating to Employment Exchanges in the city of Liverpool are as follow:

Estimated number of insured persons in July. Percentage unemployed in December.
Per cent.
1925 … 249,490* 14.9
1935 … 277,390† 22.2
* Aged 16 and over.
Aged 16 to 64.
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