HC Deb 06 July 1936 vol 314 cc854-5

(by private Notice) asked the Minister of Transport whether he has any proposals to make for securing the improvement of the roads principally used by through traffic?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Mr. Hore-Belisha)

Yes, Sir. For some time His Majesty's Government have had under review the difficulties in securing more uniform standards to accord with modern requirements on the main through traffic routes, and have reached the conclusion that the most satisfactory solution is to transfer from the county councils to the Minister of Transport, as highway authority, full responsibility for the maintenance and improvement of some 4,500 miles of the more important routes used largely by through traffic and usually described as trunk roads. It is their intention to lay before Parliament in the autumn a Bill to effect this transfer as from the beginning of next financial year. I am communicating at once with the associations of local authorities in Great Britain which are concerned, and am inviting their cooperation and assistance in regard to the administrative features of the scheme. The proposals do not apply to any roads in the metropolitan and county boroughs in England and Wales, or the large burghs in Scotland. The Government propose that the financial arrangements which arise out of the transfer of administrative responsibility for trunk roads should be discussed with representatives of local authorities in connection with the revision of the General Exchequer Contribution under the Local Government Acts.


Does that include the bridges as well as the roads?


Certainly; everything upon a trunk road.


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider, now that he is taking over these roads, the building of a Severn bridge?


Do I understand the right hon. Gentleman to say there will be no expense incurred until the beginning of the next financial year?


Yes, Sir; the scheme will operate as from the beginning of the next financial year. Certain adjustments are to be made between the local authorities and the Exchequer, and, when they have been made, the responsibility for these roads will become a national charge.


What are the reasons for excluding metropolitan and county boroughs, where the traffic problem is most difficult?


In county boroughs the situation is very different from what it is in the counties. Classified roads in county boroughs are already block-granted, because it is practically impossible to distinguish them from the other roads, as they have such a high local value. The general solution of the matter is to make by-passes, in which case they will come under the scheme.


On this assumption of administrative responsibility, is provision made for immediate new construction of main roads and bridges?


This is a scheme for taking over trunk roads. Anything that falls within that category is covered by the statement that I have made.