HC Deb 25 February 1936 vol 309 c266

Sir Henry Cautley further reported from the Committee; That the Standing Committee for the consideration of all Public Bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a Standing Committee consists of the following Members, being Members representing Scottish Constituencies, under Standing Order 47 (2):the Lord Advocate, Brigadier-General Sir William Alexander, Mr. Anstruther-Gray, the Duchess of Atholl, Mr. Barclay-Harvey, Mr. Barr, Mr. Boothby, Mr. Ernest Brown, Mr. James Brown, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Chapman, Sir Samuel Chapman, Marquess of Clydesdale, Sir (Godfrey Collins, Lieut.-Colonel Colville, Mr. Davidson, Lord Dunglass, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Erskine Hill, Sir Henry Fildes, Sir Edmund Findlay, Mr. Foot, Mr. Gallacher, Mr. Garro-Jones, Sir John Gilmour, Mr. Duncan Graham, Mr. Guy, Mr. Hardie, Mr. Thomas Henderson, Sir Robert Horne, Miss Horsbrugh, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kennedy, Lieut.-Colonel Kerr, Mr. Graham Kerr, Mr. Kirkwood, Mr. Leonard, Mr. Lindsay, Lieut-Colonel Sir Charles MacAndrew, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, Sir Murdoch Macdonald, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, Captain McEwen, Mr. McGovern, Mr. McKie, Mr. Maclay, Mr. Neil Maclean, Mr. Malcolm Mac Millan, Mr. MacNeill Weir, Mr. Macquisten, Mr. Mathers, Mr. Maxton, Lieut.-Colonel Moore, Mr. George Morrison, Major Neven-Spence, Mr. PethickLawrence, Captain Ramsay, Lord William Scott, Captain Shaw, Sir Archibald Sinclair, Sir Robert Smith, Mr. Stephen, Mr. Henderson Stewart, Mr. James Stuart, Sir Douglas Thomson, Sir John Train, Mr. Walker, Mr. Watson, Mr. Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, Mr. Welsh, Mr. Westwood, and Mr. Young.

Reports to lie upon the Table.