HC Deb 30 April 1936 vol 311 cc1070-1

asked the Home Secretary the number of applications for certificates from among the South Wales miners made to the Medical Board under the Various Industries (Silicosis) Schemes, and the number who were granted and refused certificates each year from 1931 to date?


As the reply involves a table of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Applications dealt with by Silicosis Medical Board from South Wales miners or their dependants.
Death Certificates. Disablement or Suspension Certificates.
Granted. Refused. Granted. Refused.
1931 (1st June) to 1933 (Dec.) 69 * 329 *
1934 33 20 188 124
1935 45 16 192 187
*Separate figures for South Wales are not available. For the whole coal mining industry the refusals during the period referred to were 21 and 169 respectively, and the certificates granted 82 and 370.