HC Deb 23 April 1936 vol 311 c296
24. Mr. McGOVERN

asked the Postmaster-General the wage and length of service of John Smillie Grummitt, postman, who was sentenced to two months' imprisonment for theft of postal packets between 23rd September, 1935, and 22nd February, 1936, at Glasgow Sheriff Court?


This man's wages were 39s. a week. He was 21 years of age and had been in the Post Office service since the age of 14.


Does the Minister consider that for a married man with two of a family, who is entrusted with the very onerous duty of carrying packages for the Post Office, 39s. is a desirable wage? Does he not think that these wages are a contributory cause towards the thefts that are taking place in the Post Office?


We do not want to hear the Minister's opinion on this subject.