HC Deb 02 April 1936 vol 310 cc2115-7
38. Mr. BEVAN

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that George Berry, who is serving a sentence of three years at Horfield Prison, Bristol, after being in the punishment cell on bread and water for several days, refused to go out for exercise an the ground that he felt too weak, and that on his refusal two officers assaulted and beat him; whether the complaints made by the prisoner were recorded in the appropriate books on his appeals to the visiting magistrate, the doctor, and inspector or commissioner of prisons; and whether he will make a full inquiry into the case?


I presume that the hon. Member is referring o an incident which occurred on 18th January when the prisoner in question refused to go to outdoor exercise though the medical officer recommended that he should do so. It is quite untrue that two officers assaulted and beat him. When they ordered him to put his shoes on and to go to exercise he declined to do so, and on their attempting to put on his shoes he at first resisted violently, but eventually desisted and went to exercise at which he was quiet and well behaved. My right hon. Friend had before him at the time reports on the matter, arid is satisfied that all complaints made by this prisoner have been properly investigated and recorded. A prisoner has the right not only to petition the Secretary of State, but to make representations to the visiting committee which is an independent body of local justices; and this prisoner was interviewed at the time by one of the visiting justices.


Has the Home Secretary received a report from the visiting committee, and what is that report?


My right hon. Friend has received a report, but I cannot give details of it.


Will not the hon. Gentleman inform the House, if he is correct in saying that these statements are not true, whether he has received the confirmation of the visiting committee, and is he not in a position to tell me what the report is?


If the hon. Member will put down a question with regard to the report, I shall be glad to answer it.


In the meantime, will the Department, in view of the fact that the officers against whom the charge is made are still at the prison, secure the transfer of this man to another prison?


There is no information before the Home Secretary to justify such a step.


Would it not be wise in such a case to obtain independent medical testimony about the condition of the man?


In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I will raise the matter at the earliest opportunity.