§ Mr. ISAAC FOOT (for Viscountess ASTOR)asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that cases have recently occurred where intoxicating liquor has been supplied to natives of the New Hebrides at Epi, Ambrim, South Malekula, Tautu, East Malekula, Santo, Tanna, and other places, and at South-West Bay bush natives have been imprisoned for being in possession of alcoholic liquor, while so far the Europeans alleged to have supplied the liquor have not been tried; and whether, as Article No. LIX of the Condominium in the New Hebrides prohibits the selling or supplying of intoxicating liquors to the natives under severe penalty, he will see that the necessary action is taken to deal with the offenders?
§ Sir P. CUNLIFFE-LISTERThe allegations were brought to the notice of the British Resident Commissioner who reported to the effect that the question of the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor to natives of the New Hebrides has received the close attention of the joint administration, and that, while it may not be possible to obliterate the traffic entirely, a marked improvement in the situation has been effected during recent years. I have not so far been informed what action the Resident Commissioner has been able to take with regard to the cases referred to.
§ Mr. FOOTWhen the light hon. Gentleman receives the information which is asked for, will he communicate with my Noble Friend?
§ Sir P. CUNLIFFE-LISTERYes, I will, but that cannot be for some time because the New Hebrides are so far away.