HC Deb 15 May 1935 vol 301 cc1694-5
14. Captain STRICKLAND

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that inhabitants of Tel-Aviv, Palestine, in need of hospital treatment have in many cases to be transferred to hospitals in other parts of the country because of lack of available beds in the municipal hospital; and whether he is yet in a position to state if the Government has decided to accede to the request of the municipal authority of Tel-Aviv to be permitted to provide the necessary additional and improved accommodation?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister)

I am not in a position to confirm the statement contained in the first part of the question. As promised in my answer to my hon. and gallant Friend's question of 3rd April, I have communicated with the High Commissioner for Palestine, but I have not yet received information as to the intentions of Government regarding the proposals of the Tel-Aviv municipality for financing the enlargement and improvement of the municipal hospital. I should add that during last year this hospital, to the cost of which the Government contributes, was enlarged from 125 to 184 beds.


Is my right hon. Friend aware that at the present time beds are having to be put up in the corridors of the hospital, and that, in addition, inhabitants of Tel-Aviv are having to be sent to Afulah to be treated, because there is no room in the hospital; and will he urge upon the High Commissioner the need for dealing with this matter with expedition?


I said, in reply to my hon. and gallant Friend, that I had forwarded his statements to the High Commissioner. I am sure we can reply upon the High Commissioner to give all due weight to all relevant considerations.


Will the right hon. Gentleman point out that in his opinion it is not correct to say that there should be no provision for maternity cases, whether rich or poor; that it is not correct that there should only be two beds for every 1, 000 of the population; and that 184 beds for a population of 12, 000 people is wholly inadequate?


I think it would be very unwise for me to make ex parte statements to the High Commissioner, who, in the knowledge of this House, gives the most careful consideration to every possible interest.


While not casting any aspersions at all on the High Commissioner's views and intentions, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he is aware that there has been a considerable amount of correspondence on this matter for years; that cases have to be turned away; and that the facts which I have asked him to consider and send forward have been actually stated in a report of the medical officer in Palestine?


I am not aware of those facts, and do not know whether they are correct or incorrect; but I am sure that all relevant facts are very well known to the High Commissioner, who is constantly visiting Tel Aviv, and that he will give the fullest consideration to these matters.