HC Deb 09 May 1935 vol 301 c1120

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether the education committees of the Isle of Ely and other counties have informed him of their difficulties in providing for the education of children of parents wandering from place to place; whether he is satisfied that Sections 10, 61, and 62 of the Children and Young Persons Act, 1933, provide adequate machinery and powers for this purpose; and whether he will consider issuing to local education authorities some guidance as to the manner of applying these Sections?


My Noble Friend has received resolutions from the Education Committee of the Isle of Ely and from the education committtees of two other counties relating to the education of vagrant children. My Noble Friend considers that the situation could be adequately dealt with by the exercise of the powers conferred upon local authorities by the Sections of the Children and Young Persons Act, 1933, referred to, but in conjunction with the Home Secretary he will consider whether it would be desirable to issue to authorities a circular affording them some guidance in the matter.


Is it possible for the hon. Member to devise some scheme by which the public assistance committee and the local education authority will be able to combine in order to prevent children and parents being separated?


I will consider that.