HC Deb 21 March 1935 vol 299 cc1355-6

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the feeling in Yorkshire against the appointment of Dr. Caiger as medical referee in eye and nystagmus cases, owing to the fact that the same doctor generally acts on behalf of the coal owners' indemnity company in arbitration cases; and will he endeavour to appoint one or more referees who refrain from acting either for employers or employés?


I have not received any representations from the miners or other workmen against the appointment of Dr. Caiger, who has been a medical referee for nearly 15 years. I assume that the hon. Member's question is not intended in any way to imply that Dr. Caiger has discharged his duties as referee otherwise than impartially, but that it has been put with the object of drawing attention to the desirability of appointing as medical referees doctors who are not called on to deal with such cases in their private practice. As I indicated in replies to questions by the hon. Member on Thursday last, I am certainly prepared to consider the problem, but I must again emphasise that it is one which presents great practical difficulties.


Is the right hon. Gentleman's Department aware of the deadlock that has been reached in Yorkshire, since the doctor referred to in the question has already examined a person three times on behalf of the indemnity company, and that there are no other medical referees available who have not taken part on the coalowners' side. During his investigations into the possibility of appointing a board of medical referees, will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability, if possible, of appointing as referees in Yorkshire persons who have not served either the employers or the employés?


I am very conscious of the necessity of trying to reach a fair decision in these matters. The difficulty is to find men with technical knowledge of eye problems. I am ready to look into the problem, as I have indicated, and I shall be glad to confer with the hon. Member on the subject.

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