HC Deb 21 March 1935 vol 299 c1355

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department the reason for the recent prosecution of the trustees of the Boldon miners' lodge, County Durham, in respect to a film shown in their hall, and if he can state the charge; and why his Department instituted the prosecution?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir John Gilmour)

Application has been made on behalf of the police, by whom this prosecution was instituted, for a case to be stated for decision by the High Court. As the question of law involved is of some importance, I am considering whether the Treasury solicitor should be asked to act on behalf of the police. In the circumstances it would not be proper for me at present to make any further statement.


I assume that it was the police who were making the prosecution. How did it come to pass that one of the chief expert witnesses was a representative from the Home Office, giving evidence of the type of film? I think the right hon. Gentleman ought either to answer that question or to make more inquiries into the matter, because, the chief witness being from the Home Office, it appears as if the prosecution was by the Home Office and not by the police?