HC Deb 06 June 1935 vol 302 cc2033-4

asked the Min ister of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the fact that Flemish draught horses are being sold in this country in substantial quantities; what proportion of the 3, 163 horses imported during the first four months of this year as accounted for by draught horses; what is the present amount of grant accorded by his Department to the breed ing of heavy horses in this country; and whether he is satisfied that it is sufficient to deal with the increasing menace to the horse-breeding industry in this country from the importation of foreign horses?


I am aware that total imports of horses, particularly from Belgium, have increased in recent months compared with the corresponding per:iod of last year, but the information at my disposal does not enable me to say what proportion of these imports consists of draught horses. The grants that will be made during the current financial year in connection with heavy horse breeding will amount to £11, 250. I have no reason to think that this is insufficient to achieve the objects for which the grants are made, namely, to assist farmers by providing good class stallions at moderate service fees with a view to the improvement of heavy horse:breeding in this country.


Is not my right hon. Friend aware that some horses eat less and work twice as fast as the Flemish draught horses, and will he not do some thing to prevent this unnecessary com petition 7.


Can my right hon. Friend say whether any subsidy or grant is given by the Belgian Government to the breeders of these horses?


I should require notice of that question.