HC Deb 05 June 1935 vol 302 c1846
17. Mr. MORGAN

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can state the amount of financial assistance given by the Government of Palestine to tourist propaganda in each of the last three years; and whether, in view of the attractions offered by Palestine to tourists, the large sums spent by Egypt and other Mediterranean countries on this work, and the benefit which increased tourist traffic would give to the trade balance of Palestine, he will consult with the Government of Palestine with regard to the advisability of providing increased funds for the purpose?


I understand that the activity of the Government of Palestine in this matter has been confined to regular advertising by the Palestine Government Railways in Egypt; occasional advertisements in special newspaper issues; an exhibit at the Imperial Institute Galleries; and displays from time to time in exhibitions and fairs abroad. There is an active Tourist Association which is managed by' tourist and shipping agents and the general manager of the Palestine Railways is a member of the executive council of that body.