HC Deb 30 July 1935 vol 304 cc2547-8

Lords Amendment: In page 115, line 40, at the end, insert: (2) The said executive authority extends to the carrying on in connection with any Federal railways or such undertakings as, in the opinion of the Authority, it is expedient should be carried on in connection therewith and to the making and carrying into effect of arrangements with other persons for the carrying on by those persons of such undertakings: Provided that, as respects their powers under this subsection, the Authority shall be subject to any relevant provisions of any Federal, Provincial or existing Indian law, and to the relevant provisions of the law of any Federated State, but nothing in this subsection shall be construed as limiting the provisions of Part VI of this Act regulating the relations of the Federation with Provinces and States.

6.33 p.m.


I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

This Amendment is to enable the Railway Authority to carry on ancillary services, such as the running of subsidiary road services in connection with the railways.


Services subsidiary to the railways may come within a wide term. Does it mean that they may run steamers, hotels or ferries? I take it that it is not intended to give them wider powers.


This is a question of constitution. It is desirable that the Railway authority should not be constitutionally debarred from running any subsidiary services of a kind deemed expedient. The extent to which it will be allowed to run services will depend upon Federal legislation. It would be obviously undesirable that there should be an absolute statutory bar to the running, say, of omnibus services in connection with a railway.


I take it that it is intended to help the railway in regard to such matters as an omnibus service feeding the railway, but not enabling them to go say into another Province?

Subsequent Lords Amendment in page 116, line 7, agreed to.