§ "(1) Where—
- (a) a local authority have sold or exchanged land acquired by them under the Act of 1925, or any enactment repealed by that Act, or under the Act of 1930, or this Act, and the purchaser of the land or the person taking the land in exchange has entered into a convenant with the local authority concerning the land; or
- (b) an owner of any land has entered into a covenant with the local authority concerning the land for the purposes of any of the provisions of the said Acts;
§ (2) Section one hundred and ten of the Act of 1925 shall cease to have effect."
§ 12.59 p.m.
§ Mr. SHAKESPEAREI beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."
This is the new Clause to which I referred in speaking on a previous Lords Amendment.