HC Deb 25 July 1935 vol 304 c1995

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will state

The Increase or Decrease in the Acreage under Fruit and the Principal Vegetable Crops as returned in June, 1931 and 1934, in Englaud and Wales and the undermentioned Counties was as follows:
England and Wales. Middlesex and London. Essex. Hertford. Kent. Lancs. Yorks, (West Riding).
Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres.
Orchard Fruit +10,079 -831 +1,607 +180 +4,419 -136 -66
Small Fruit -990 -198 -83 -7 +1,037 -182 -53
Vegetables (a) +73,547 -663 +5,245 +1,526 +4,943 +2,639 +3,344
(a) Including potatoes.
NOTES.—(1) The above figures do not include glasshouse crops, particulars for which are not available.
(2) In urban areas and especially in London and Middlesex there have been considerable encroachments upon the area devoted to agriculture owing to building and similar developments.