HC Deb 25 July 1935 vol 304 cc1995-7

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what matters are covered by the terms of reference of the National Whitley Council for the Civil Service; and whether it is now open to the Staff Side to raise the question of giving the same payment to women as to men working in the same grade?


The constitution of the National Whitley Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service provides that

the increase in horticultural production that has followed the passing of the protective Act; and the percentage of this increase in the London district and the district in or adjacent to South Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire, respectively?


With my hon. Friend's permission I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement containing such information as is available indicative of the changes that have taken place in horticultural production in England and Wales, and in the areas specifically mentioned, since the imposition of duties.


Can the right hon. Gentleman indicate in that reply whether it is possible to accelerate development in Lancashire?


It is a statistical table, and I am afraid I cannot give any indication of policy in such a table.

Following is the statement:

the functions of the Council shall include amongst other things the determination of the general principles governing conditions of service, e.g., recruitment, hours, tenure, remuneration and superannuation. The question of the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women was raised on a joint committee of the National Whitley Council as recently as last year. The Official Side found themselves unable to accept the views of the Staff Side. The Staff Side have since suggested that a special committee should be appointed to consider and report upon the existing differences in the pay of men and women and the changes, if any, which should be made. This suggestion has been adopted and a joint committee has now been appointed.

25. Mr. GUY

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the extent to which the differentiation in Civil Service pay has been narrowed as between London and Edinburgh by the terms of the recent agreement between the Official and Staff Sides of the National Whitley Council?


I am sending my hon. Friend the relevant extract from the agreement, together with a table showing its effect upon certain representative rates of salary and wages in Edinburgh.

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