HC Deb 18 July 1935 vol 304 cc1209-10
32. Mr. MABANE

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been called to the frequency with which fatal accidents occur at the Bramham cross-roads; that these cross-roads are excedingly dangerous; that a system of automatic traffic lights controlling these cross-roads would completely avoid the danger; and whether, in consequence, he is prepared to require the immediate installation of such a system before any further deaths occur?


The answer to the first two parts of the question is in the affirmative; as regards the third part I agree that signals would afford every reasonable protection and to that end I indicated a grant from the Road Fund towards their cost more than a year ago. The signals have not so far been erected owing to a dispute between two electricity companies as to which is entitled to supply the current. I endeavoured to arrange an amicable settlement of this dispute but without success, but I understand that the highway authority has now entered into a contract with one of the companies.


Am I to understand from the answer that there is some chance that signals will be erected very soon; is my right hon. Friend aware that only last week a very serious fatal accident took place there and a distinguished man was killed; and will he see that signals are provided within the present month?


I entirely identify myself with the point of view of my hon. Friend, and I have told him the circumstances, and I think that the obstacle has now been overcome.


Thank you.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether, in respect of these people who have been killed at these dangerous cross-roads, there is any claim for compensation?


It is not for me to settle that difficulty but for the highway authority. I have tried to assist, and I have offered a contribution.


Is it not a fact that on the great main roads the roundabout is a better method than control by lights?


Very often.