HC Deb 16 July 1935 vol 304 cc872-3

asked the Minister of Labour the estimated cost for food, accommodation, tuition fees, and other expenses per man year in the unemployment training centres?


As the reply contains a number of figures I will, if I may, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Cannot the right hon. Gentleman tell the House what is the estimated cost per person per year?


I have given the hon. Member a very detailed answer, and I should prefer that he would consider it before putting another question. I have given all the information that I can.


May I ask whether the right hon. Gentleman, having examined the figures which he intends to circulate, thinks that it is cheaper to provide this kind of training than to raise the school-leaving age, with maintenance?


That, of course, is an entirely different question.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say off hand how these figures compare with the cost of maintaining a man in the workhouse?


That, also, is another question.

Following is the reply:

I assume the hon. Member has in mind the Government Training Centres at which short courses of training in specified occupations are given to unemployed men. The estimated average cost per trainee-week, borne on the Vote for the Ministry of Labour, for training at these centres men in receipt of unemployment benefit is as follows:

s. d.
Midday meal 5 0
Allowance for personal expenses 5 0
Instructors' wages 7 0
Other staff costs 6 2
Miscellaneous expenses 8 1
31 3

As regards accommodation, the cost of board and lodging (approximately 17s. per week) is met out of the unemployment benefit to which a trainee is entitled; if the trainee has to support dependants at home, additional allowances are payable. In the case of men in receipt of unemployment assistance allowances, the cost, borne on the Vote for the Ministry of Labour, is less than the figures shown above because the personal expenses of such men and the maintenance of their dependants is covered by those allowances.

The above figures exclude any allowance for capital expenditure or for cost of Headquarters' administration.