HC Deb 27 February 1935 vol 298 cc1101-3
9. Captain P. MACDONALD

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether arrangements will be made to enable Members of Parliament and their wives to witness the Naval Review to be held at Spithead in July; and, if so, whether he is yet in a position to indicate what will be the nature of these arrangements?


Arrangements for the accommodation of official guests, who will naturally include Members of Parliament and their wives, at the Naval Review next July are at present under active consideration, but it is not yet possible to make a detailed announcement on the subject.

43. Lieut.-Colonel MOORE

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he contemplates making any special arrangements, and, if so, of what nature, in connection with the Royal parks, to mark the celebration of the Royal Jubilee?


I have no doubt that the Royal parks will be largely used during the forthcoming Silver Jubilee for their normal purpose of providing rest and recreation for the public, as well as for certain special purposes in connection with His Majesty's drives, the chain of bonfires and the police review. I have given permission for an unofficial thanksgiving service to be held in Hyde Park on the afternoon of Sunday, 12th May, but beyond this no permission has been given for any arrangements of an exceptional character.

Lieut.-Colonel MOORE

Would the Minister consider flood lighting, as was done on the previous occasion with great success?


Flood lighting is already announced for the lake in St. James's Park.


In consequence of the number of men who are being called upon to work in Hyde Park on Jubilee Day, will the Minister see that those men get an alternative day off later on?


I would like notice of that question.


Will the Minister floodlight part of the Royal parks as an experiment, because improved lighting is very much needed for the Royal parks?

45. Mr. GRUNDY

asked the Prime Minister whether steps have yet been taken to recommend to all employers of labour the payment of wages on the national holiday to commemorate the twenty-fifth year of His Majesty's accession; and whether he has received a satisfactory response on the subject?

The LORD PRESIDENT of the COUNCIL (Mr. Baldwin)

I would refer the hon. Member to the, answer given to him by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister on 4th February. The Government are confident that employers are fully sympathetic to the desire that wages should be paid as far as circumstances permit, and that they will show every possible consideration for their work-people.


May I take it that the right hon. Gentleman heard the reply given to my supplementary question just now by the First Commissioner of Works, in regard to the people who will have to work in Hyde Park on Jubilee day; will he be good enough to advise the Government to link these people up with the other Government employés?


I think my right hon. Friend the First Commissioner of Works asked the hon. Member to put that question on the paper. The intentions of the Government were made perfectly clear. So far as Government employés are concerned, payment will be made.


Will the right hon. Gentleman see that the employers give something more concrete than sympathy?


It is only fair to remind hon. Members that there is the utmost good will in this matter and that discussions are proceeding between employers and the trade unions concerned. There is, however, very large number of employers in this country who will find it impossible to pay the money that they would be only too glad to pay if they were able.

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