HC Deb 12 December 1935 vol 307 cc1087-8

asked the Prime Minister whether he will cause to have published all the papers and proposals made before the three-party conference held in 1931 at the request of the Government of that date, in connection with unemployment insurance and the means test, in view of recent discussions that have taken place as to what occurred?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Baldwin)

The Committee to which I presume the hon. Member refers was an Advisory Committee to the Government [...] was announced at the time that [...]ings would be confidenti[...]pared to depart[...]


But since that time the Prime Minister must realise that statements have been made purporting to be reports of the proceedings of that Committee, and is it not desirable, in view of the conflicting reports of the proceedings of that Committee, that a full statement should be made so that we may know precisely what took place?


No, I do not agree with the hon. Member.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the present Minister of Labour was a member of that Committee, and that he has intimated that he would like the reports published, I suppose because they will be very favourable to him. In view of the fact that all sorts of rumours and statements have been circulated, will not the right hon. Gentleman have the reports published and put an end to these rumours once and for all?


I have considered the matter, and I am not disposed to go back on the decision which was taken by my predecessor.