HC Deb 17 April 1935 vol 300 cc1838-9
33. Lieut.-Colonel TODD

asked the Postmaster-General whether, in view of the objectionable character of the Communist propaganda which is broadcast in English from the Moscow wireless station on long and short wave-lengths on four nights a week, he will take steps to ensure that these broadcasts are jammed and rendered incapable of reception in this country?

The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Sir Kingsley Wood)

No, Sir. His Majesty's Government would be reluctant to have recourse to the jamming of wireless messages from any foreign country except in cases of grave national emergency. Should my attention be called to broadcasts from Moscow of an objectionable character I should be glad to consider, in consultation with my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Foreign Affairs arid for the Home Department, what action could appropriately be taken.


Is the Minister aware that the Communist propaganda broadcast from Moscow is not more objectionable and is certainly less audible than the Nazi propaganda from Germany?


I am not in a position to make these comparisons. I have not the time that the hon. Gentleman evidently has.


Is the Postmaster-General aware that these particular broadcasts are more profitable to a large proportion of British workers than his own programmes?


I should say to a large proportion of the hon. Gentleman's party.


That is the same thing.

Lieut.-Colonel TODD

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the broadcast during the Lord Privy Seal's visit was one of the most malicious in recent times?

1. Lieut.-Colonel TODD

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the question of political propaganda within the British Empire was discussed during the recent conversations in Moscow between the representative of His Majesty's Government and any representatives of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; and, if so, whether any understanding was arrived at and of what nature?


I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the penultimate paragraph of the communique issued in Moscow on the 31st March on the conclusion of my right hon. Friend's visit. That paragraph read as follows: They are confident that both countries, recognising that the integrity and prosperity of each is to the advantage of the other, will govern their mutual relations in that spirit of collaboration and loyalty to obligations assumed by them, which is inherent in their common membership of the League of Nations I regret that I can add nothing to the terms of that communique.

Lieut.-Colonel TODD

Is my right hon. Friend aware that since that conversation in Moscow the broadcast propaganda has been more virulent than ever?