HC Deb 08 April 1935 vol 300 c794
42 and 43. Mr. S. DAVIES

asked the Minister of Health (1) whether any and, if so, what county boroughs have been deprived of their charters since the year 1900; and on what grounds in each case?

(2) whether he will give particulars of the urban authorities which have been granted their charter of incorporation as county boroughs since the year 1900, giving their population at the date of incorporation?


Since 1900, 19 county boroughs have been created and no county borough has been deprived of its status. In one case there has been an amalgamation of one county borough with another. County boroughs are not constituted by charter. I am sending the hon. Member a statement giving the detailed information he desires. Under die Local Government (County Boroughs and Adjustments) Act, 1926, a borough must have a minimum population of 75,000 before application can be made for county borough status.