HC Deb 08 April 1935 vol 300 cc790-2

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he proposes to take any action as a result of the report into the administration and discipline of Barlinnie Prison, Glasgow?

The SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Sir Godfrey Collins)

I apologise, Mr. Speaker, for the length of this reply. Yes, Sir; I have decided that the governor of Barlinnie Prison should be transferred to the governorship of Greenock Prison, and that the governor of Greenock Prison should be promoted to the Governorship of Barlinnie Prison. The transfer will be carried out on the 10th instant. Steps are being taken to ensure that in future the Prisons Department for Scotland is kept in closer touch with the internal administration and discipline of prisons by means of a better system of inspection and arrangements for this purpose are being made. The observations in the report regarding the association of revoked Borstal licence holders with juvenile adult prisoners will be the subject of consultation between the Prisons Department and the new governor, and specific proposals will then be submitted to me for approval. As regards the supervision period of one year which revoked Borstal licenceholders are liable to undergo, this is a matter which depends upon statute, but the question is being examined in consultation with other Departments concerned.

The whole question of "privileges" in Scottish prisons is being reviewed in consultation with prison governors, in order to place the matter on a better footing than it is at present and, at the same time, to ensure greater uniformity throughout the various prisons. I may add that First Class Warder Bates, whose conduct is commended in the report, has been promoted to be head warder at Edinburgh Prison.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the staff of Barlinnie 'Prison have unanimously expressed their entire confidence in the governor, and will he take this new fact into consideration?


I have had these representations made to me and have given them due consideration, but, in view of the report and the governor's subsequent comment on the report, my duty has been made quite clear and my decision is irrevocable.


While the whole question of privileges in Scottish prisons is being discussed, are the present privileges being maintained?


I cannot give a definite assurance that the present privileges are being maintained. That is a matter for the internal discipline of each prison by the governor. The whole position is being reviewed in the light of the events which took place in Barlinnie Prison.


Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries to see whether the privileges are being maintained at Barlinnie Prison while the matter is being considered?


I will make inquiries, but I cannot give any undertaking that privileges will not be restricted. These are matters for the internal discipline by each governor in each prison, and I am not prepared at the moment to tighten or to loosen them.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that hs is wrong, and that the privileges have to be approved by his own Department and not by the individual prison governors?


That is where, I think, I differ from the hon. Gentleman. These privileges have in the past been matters of internal discipline, but I am looking into the whole question, and I will communicate to the hon. Gentleman any decision that I reach.