HC Deb 04 April 1935 vol 300 cc505-7

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the manufacturers of the speedometers fitted to police motor cars; and in what manner are the tests carried out to ensure that these speedometers are accurate?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT(Sir John Gilmour)

Speedometers used on Metropolitan Police patrol cars are not restricted to any particular makes and are those normally fitted to the various types of car employed from time to time. To ensure their accuracy speedometers are tested twice daily. The tests consist of timing the vehicles over a measured distance with chronometers which have been certified by the National Physical Laboratory as suitable for the purpose.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the principal manufacturers of speedometers in this country have stated that it is impossible to test speedometers accurately in this way, and will he, therefore, give directions that in future no prosecutions for exceeding the speed limit shall be instituted unless further evidence is available?


The manufacturers are prepared to charge for them to the public as being of some use. I have yet to learn that they are not.


asked the Home Secretary the number of police now engaged in enforcing the 30-miles-perhour speed limit in the whole country, also the number engaged on this work in London; whether the number of police has been increased so as to perform these special duties or whether the number of police looking after their normal duties has thereby been reduced; whether the force has been increased, on whom does the additional expenditure fall; and what is the number and cost of vehicles engaged in this work?


As I have already, informed the House the numbers and cost of the men and vehicles engaged on this work depend on circumstances and vary from time to time and I am not in a position to give particulars. The men now engaged, if not previously on motor patrol, are being drawn from other duties as opportunity offers. The cost of any increase in strength needed for this or other duties will fall equally on the. Exchequer and local rates.

49 and 50. Brigadier-General SPEARS

asked the Minister of Transport (1) whether he is aware that the road leading from Datchet to Windsor is a controlled area as far as the bridge over the Thames, although there is a golf course on one side of the road and fields on the other; and whether he will make representations to the local authority to have this road de-controlled;

(2) whether he is aware that the road between Staines and the Colnbrook by-pass is a controlled area although it is a main trunk road wide enough for four cars to pass abreast; and whether, in view of the fact that this road was intended to relieve traffic congestion by providing a thoroughfare for the rapid transit of motor-cars, he will make representations to the local authority to have this road de-controlled?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Mr. Hore Belisha)

I assume that in question 50 the reference should be to the road between Slough and Colnbrook. The local authorities agree that these lengths of road should be de-restricted, and as soon as the statutory formalities are complied with I shall make the necessary Order.


Does not this show the necessity for the Minister to have made a survey before the limit came into force in order to see what roads ought to have been derestricted instead of waiting until afterwards.


asked the Home Secretary whether he will instruct the police to comply with the request, when made by motorists, that they or their companion and the police observer shall change places, so that observations can be made of the speed registered on the motorist's car when the police car is travelling a fair distance at 30 miles per hour on its speedometer and vice versa, if the speeds do not agree?


No, Sir. It is no part of the duty of the police to check speedometers on private cars.