HC Deb 28 November 1934 vol 295 cc832-4

asked the Minister of Transport (1) whether, in order to remove misunderstanding on the question of a road bridge across the Forth in the vicinity of Queensferry and enable the country to see the problem in concrete form, he would welcome the setting up by the local authorities of a special committee charged with power to examine and make recommendations as to site, economic justification, cost, etc., of all the schemes now being discussed; and, provided such a committee acting on behalf of the authorities undertook to meet the obligations outstanding on the Routh survey and gave assurances that the authorities would be ready to meet a reasonable share of the cost of construction and upkeep of whatever bridge was agreed upon between them and the Ministry of Transport, if he would be prepared to make a reasonable grant from the Road Fund to assist the completion of whatever further preliminary surveys are necessary?

(2) Whether he can give an assurance that, provided the local authorities having in co-operation with the Ministry of Transport decided upon a suitable site and satisfied themselves of its economic justification undertake to meet a reasonable share of the cost of construction and upkeep of a road bridge across the Forth in the vicinity of Queensferry, he would be prepared to enter into negotiations with them with a view to making a substantial grant from the Road Fund for an approved bridge scheme?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Mr. Hare-Belisha)

I can assure my hon. Friend that I am always ready to consider proposals from responsible highway authorities which are accompanied by the necessary indication of financial support.


Does the hon. Gentleman realise that local authorities do not understand the position?


I am very sorry to learn that there is any misapprehension on the point. I have tried repeatedly, both by speeches in the House and by correspondence with my hon. Friend and with local authorities, to make it absolutely plain.


Will the hon. Gentleman give this assurance, that he is prepared to support the cost of a survey for any bridge that is considered reasonable?


I think I have already answered that question, which is not capable of an answer in simple form.

The hon. Member has full particulars of what I am prepared to do.