HC Deb 08 November 1934 vol 293 cc1265-6
45. Mr. CONANT

asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider the establishment of a national fund to which the surplus of moneys subscribed by the public for the relief of distress caused by mining and other national disasters may be handed over after the needs of a particular disaster have been met, in order that the same measure of relief may be available for cases to which no publicity is given and for those in which large numbers of people are involved?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Ramsay MacDonald)

My hon. Friend's suggestion has been noted. It would, of course, involve legislation, and I am doubtful on a general view whether it would be advantageous, for reasons such as my hon. Friend the Secretary for Mines gave in reply to questions last Tuesday in regard to the colliery disaster fund. Moreover, I would call the attention of my hon. Friend to the fact that his object is secured under the existing law, inasmuch as, where the particular objects for which a distress fund was raised have been completely fulfilled, it is the duty of the trustees of the fund to apply to the Court or to the Charity Commissioners to establish a scheme applying any surplus of the fund to analogous objects.


Is not the Prime Minister aware that an application to the court is a very expensive matter, and very often uses up the whole of the surplus funds?

The PRIME MINISTER indicated assent


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