HC Deb 08 November 1934 vol 293 c1281
17. Mr. DREWE

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the interpretation placed upon the word uniformity in the Rating and Valuation Act is causing apprehension, as certain assessment committees are adopting the policy of levelling up to prevailing high rentals instead of making an equitable assessment upon business and other properties, and that this policy is prejudicial to employment for improvement purposes; and whether he will take steps to place the quinquennial valuation on a basis less disturbing to the business of the country?


I am not aware of the apprehensions to which my hon. Friend refers or that there is any case fur the special action which he suggests. There is an appeal to the courts from the Local Assessment Committees with whom rests the application of the law relating to the assessment of property and the position is fortified by the County Valuation Committees and the advisory Central Valuation Committee.