HC Deb 26 March 1934 vol 287 cc1773-4

I beg to move, in page 53, line 30, after "applies," to insert: and to persons in receipt of unemployment benefit. This Amendment is merely to ensure that local authorities during the transitional period shall be entitled to supplement the benefit of persons in receipt of benefit, and to make it perfectly certain that their existing rights will remain.

Amendment agreed to.

It being Eleven of the Clock, the CHAIRMAN proceeded, pursuant to the Order of the House of 19th December, successively to put forthwith the Questions on the Amendment moved by the Government of which notice had been given and the Questions necessary to

dispose of the business to be concluded at Eleven of the Clock at this day's sitting.

Amendment made: In page 53, line 32, leave out "to whom allowances had been granted," and insert: whose applications for allowances can under this section be considered before the second appointed day; and the provisions of the said Schedule requiring the Unemployment Assistance Board to pay the cost of outdoor relief given to persons to whom Part II of this Act applies pending the decision that they are such persons and of relief given to such persons in cases of sudden or urgent necessity, shall apply only as respects relief given after the first appointed day to persons whose applications for allowances can be so considered as aforesaid.

Clause 61 (Transitory provisions as to moneys provided by Parliament) ordered to stand part of the Bill.