§ 67. Mr. SMEDLEY CROOKEasked the Minister of Pensions, whether, in view of the widespread dissatisfaction and confusion regarding the widow's claim form M.P.W. 31, particularly question 15, he will consider the advisability of simplifying the questions asked in this form, and make it clear to the widows that by completing paragraph 15a of that form they forfeit any right of appeal to an independent tribunal against the decision of the Ministry, while if paragraph 15b is completed the right to appeal will be granted?
§ The MINISTER of PENSIONS (Major Tryon)This form enables a claimant to state on what grounds she considers herself entitled to pension having regard to the circumstances of her husband's death. No right of appeal, which is statutory, can be forfeited where the nature of the claim allows it. I should not be justified in suggesting to a claimant, as the hon. Member would seem to have in view, that she should state her claim in terms which are not supported by her own knowledge of the facts.