HC Deb 16 July 1934 vol 292 cc760-1
7. Commander MARSDEN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the case of Mr. Pantelis Pelecanos, a British subject, whose credit balance in sterling at the Banque Nationale of Greece, at Athens, was in July, 1931, illegally converted by the bank into drachmas; what action he has taken to rectify the matter; and when any definite result may be expected?


Repeated representations have been made to the Greek Government regarding this claim. I personally drew the attention of Monsieur Maximos, the Greek Foreign Minister, to it twice, when he was in London in July, 1933, and again in January of this year. Monsieur Maximos informed me on the later occasion that orders had already been given to pay the claim to the extent of one-third of the amount due, and that the remaining two-thirds would very shortly be paid. No further communications having been received from the Greek Government, His Majesty's Minister at Athens was recently instructed to inquire once more from the Greek Government when the payments due to Mr. Pelecanos would be completed.