HC Deb 11 April 1934 vol 288 cc305-6
4 Mr. T. SMITH (for Mr. T. WILLIAMS)

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty (1) whether any documents were signed by Maltese canteen contractors at the request of Admiralty officials when the former were to be superseded during the War; and, if so, is such document available for any hon. Member to read;

(2) what compensation or remuneration was granted to English firms serving as canteen tenants in Malta when their eon-tracts were terminated during or after the War; and whether Maltese contractors were similarly treated;

(3) the terms and conditions promised or granted By the Admiralty officials to Maltese canteen contractors when they were superseded by the Navy, Army and Air Force canteens during the Great War; and if such terms and conditions have been fulfilled?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Sir Bolton Eyres Monsell)

The canteens in His Majesty's Ships generally were taken over by the Navy and Army Canteen Board on 1st June, 1917, but an exception was made in favour of Maltese tenants on the Mediterranean station who were allowed to remain until the following year. As all the tenancy contracts were terminable at short notice, no question of compensation arose, but, for their convenience, Maltese tenants were given three months' notice of the termination of their contracts. The Admiralty have no knowledge of any documents signed by the tenants in this connection.

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