HC Deb 30 November 1933 vol 283 cc1040-1
41. Major NATHAN

asked the Minister of Health the number, average cost per house, and average cost per superficial foot, respectively, of A-type non- parlour houses (excluding small houses erected for aged persons under the Housing Act, 1030, and non-parlour flats) included in direct labour schemes and in contracts let by local authorities in England and Wales during the months of September and October, 1933, respectively?


Since the answer involves a tabular statement I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Arising out of the answer, may I point out—[HON. MEMBERS: "No !"]—may I ask the hon. Member whether he will suggest that there are more than two figures to be given for the purpose of answering the question?


I doubt whether the hon. and gallant Member would understand the figures if I read them all out.


In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter at the earliest possible moment.

Following is the answer:

The following statement shows the particulars desired by the hon. Member so far as direct labour schemes and contracts let by local authorities in England and Wales other than the London County Council are concerned.

Month Number of houses of type indicated. Average cost per house.* Average cost per superficial foot.
1933. £ s. d.
September 4,216 281 7 10¾
October 6,146 294 8
* Including the cost of paths, drains and fences, but excluding the cost of land, roads, sewers and architects' fees.