HC Deb 28 November 1933 vol 283 cc684-5

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that 40 families are in danger of being evicted to-day from condemned houses at Denbeck Street, Shettleston, by Court order, and if he can arrange with Glasgow Corporation to grant a period of time with a view to these people being housed?


I have communicated with the Corporation of Glasgow and I am informed that so far as they are aware about 32 houses at different addresses in Denbeck Street and adjoining streets have been broken into and taken possession of by their present occupants without the permission of the Corporation. The Corporation had already cleared the tenants in these houses into new houses and had boarded the old houses up. The Corporation are now taking steps to secure an Order of the Court for the eviction of the present occupants. I understand that if such Order is granted it will be about three weeks before it can be made effective.


While being aware of the facts, and that these people have been told that they could only go to the workhouse on being deprived of their rooms because of the application of the means test, let me state that I simply wanted to secure time in order to see whether arrangements could be made to have these families housed?

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