HC Deb 31 May 1933 vol 278 c1861

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what are the duties of the rear-admiral-in-charge, Gibraltar, and admiral-superintendent of Gibraltar dockyard; the staff allowed, officers and ratings; and the annual cost for salaries and expenses of officers and ratings?


The officer holding the appointment of rear-admiral-in-charge and admiral-superintendent, Gibraltar, is responsible in the former capacity for dealing with all naval matters arising at Gibraltar and its vicinity including naval defence matters and transport duties and for the naval personnel permanently stationed there. In the latter capacity he is responsible for the administration and efficiency of the dockyard, victualling yard, armament and torpedo depots, and all questions connected with the repairs to His Majesty's ships at or visiting Gibraltar and the supplies of fuel and stores. The naval staff allowed to this officer is as follows:

  • 1 captain, chief staff officer.
  • 1 flag lieutenant.
  • 1 naval secretary.
  • 1 secretary to chief staff officer.
  • 1 accountant officer, for Admiral's office.
The cost of the pay and allowances of the admiral and this staff is £6,300 per annum. The admiral is allowed also a coxswain and five servants whose cost per annum in pay and allowances is £1,149.