§ 58. Commander COCHRANEasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is in a position to announce the terms of reference and composition of the Departmental Committee which he proposes to set up regarding the reconditioning of working-class houses and other matters?
§ The SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Sir Godfrey Collins)The terms of reference to the committee which has now been appointed, are as follow:
To consider and report:Sir Thomas Whitson, ex-Lord Provost of the city of Edinburgh, has consented to act as chairman of the committee, and the other members will be:
- (a) What, if any, further steps are necessary or desirable to secure the maintenance of a proper standard of fitness for human habitation in working-class houses which are neither situate in an area suitable for clearance under Part I of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1930, nor suitable for demolition under Section 16 of that Act; and
- (b) what, if any, further steps are necessary or desirable to promote the supply of houses for the working classes, without public charge, through the agency of public utility societies or other bodies subject to similar limitations, operating in particular areas or otherwise.
- The hon. Member for North Aberdeen (Mr. Burnett),
- The hon. Member for Dundee (Miss Honsbrugh),
- The hon. and gallant Member for Montrose Burghs (Lieut.-Colonel C. Kerr),
- The hon. Member for Paisley (Mr. Maclay),
- Councillor A. S. McKinlay,
1013 - The hon. and learned Member for Stirling and Falkirk Burghs (Mr. James Reid),
- The hon. Member for the Bothwell Division of Lanarkshire (Mrs. Shaw),
- Bailie Mrs. Somerville, and
- The hon. Member for Cathcart (Mr. Train).