HC Deb 03 May 1933 vol 277 c840

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether negotiations have taken place with the Dominions, and, if so, how far they have progressed, with regard to the question of granting certificates of naturalisation as British subjects to persons who are not at present qualified for naturalisation owing to the fact that they are resident in mandated territories, as distinct from Dominions?


Agreement has been reached in principle at last Imperial Conferences that the power of granting certificates of naturalisation should be extended so as to cover persons resident in mandated territories. There are, however, other minor points on which it is thought that amendment of the British Nationality Law may be desirable. Consultation with the Dominions will be necessary with regard to these with a view to dealing with all such points simultaneously, and I am not yet in a position to say when the introduction of legislation will be practicable.


Will the right hon. Gentleman remember that there are numerous people in these Mandated Territories who fought for us during the War, and have been trying to obtain naturalisation papers ever since, and will he try to expedite the matter?


I am aware of the hardships referred to, and we are doing all that we can in the matter.