HC Deb 02 May 1933 vol 277 cc663-4

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of deaths which have taken place in Glasgow during the past 12 months of patients while under chloroform; and whether, when a death occurs in such circumstances, the death certificate contains any statement that the death occurred while the patient was under an anaesthetic?


The number of deaths registered in Glasgow during 1932 which were certified to have occurred during or following the administration of chloroform is 15. There were also 24 deaths where the anaesthetic was chloroform and ether, and one death where the anaesthetic was ethyl chloride, chloroform and ether. In reply to the second part of the question, certifying medical practitioners are advised that when a death is attributed to the effects of an anaesthetic a statement as to the anaesthetic used should be made on the certificate.


Does the Secretary of State for Scotland see that that particular advice is followed? Is it not the fact that in some cases where death is registered as taking place under an anaesthetic, the only statement in the death certificate is, that death took place from heart failure?


I should like more specific notice of that question. As far as I know, the answer is in the negative, but I should like to inquire into the specific question, and discuss it with my hon. Friend.