HC Deb 09 March 1933 vol 275 c1330
29. Mr. LUNN

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education the approximate number of boys and girls, respectively, leaving the elementary schools at the end of each school period?


As the answer contains a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Can the hon. Gentleman say if the Government have taken any steps to encourage these children either to continue at school or to provide them with employment in order to take them off the streets?


I hardly think that that matter arises out of the question.

Following is the answer:

My Noble Friend assumes that the hon. Member's question refers to the number of children leaving the elementary schools at the end of each school term. He regrets that no information is available as to the number of leavers at these particular periods of the school year, but the numbers of children leaving public elementary schools in England and Wales at the school leaving age, otherwise than for further full-time education, during the last three years are as follows:

Boys. Girls. Total.
1929–30 228,421 223,470 451,891
1930–31 235,738 234,498 470,236
1931–32 207,303 207,676 414,979
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