HC Deb 25 July 1933 vol 280 cc2392-4
19. Captain DOWER

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is now in a position to make any statement with regard to the possible convening of a conference between British and Japanese industrialists with regard to Japanese trade competition?

29. Captain P. MACDONALD

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is now in a position to make any statements with regard to the progress of the preliminary Anglo-Japanese commercial negotiations?


My right hon. Friend was able to send a reply on 20th July to the Note from the Japanese Government on this subject which was received some little time ago. I should explain that in that Note the Japanese Government indicated that the Japanese interests con- cerned agreed, subject to certain limitations which have since formed the subject of informal discussion, to the proposed meetings between industries so far as they might relate to cotton textiles.

The proposal which is under consideration is that there should be a tripartite discussion in India in the near future between representatives of the industries concerned of Lancashire, India and Japan, covering the whole field of all classes of textiles in which of these countries are interested. These discussions will relate to the Indian market and to the British Colonial markets in which India is interested. The proposal is made on the understanding that the discussions in India would be followed immediately by discussions in this country in regard to other textile markets between industrial representatives of this country and of Japan.

His Majesty's Government sincerely hope that the Japanese Government will be able to accept this proposal on behalf of the Japanese industry, and that by means of discussions of the kind contemplated it will be possible for the interests concerned to arrive at a satisfactory agreement.

Captain DOWER

Will my hon. Friend tell me whether the Governments will also be represented at these industrial conferences


I could not do so without notice.


Can the, hon. Gentleman give us some indication as to the time it will take to conclude the proceedings and when we may expect a decision at the end of it all?


I can only say that the matter will be dealt with as expeditiously as possible.


Will the Japanese Government be asked to give an undertaking that it will in future honour its obligations?


In these discussions will the Empire markets, other than this country, also be dealt with, as far as the Japanese menace is concerned?


I cannot say whether that will take place in these discussions. It certainly will be borne in mind. My main answer related to a particular discussion.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that in the Dominion markets Japanese competition is so fierce that 21-piece services can be sold at 2s. 5d. a set, whereas the lowest price at which they can be produced by British labour is 12s. 6d.?


The Department is fully alive to the matters to which the lion. Lady refers.


Will this conference deal not only with textile goods but also with engineering?