HC Deb 10 July 1933 vol 280 cc743-4
22. Mr. GROVES

asked the Minister of Health whether he will inquire into the circumstances attending the fact that the Board of Control imposed upon the West Ham County Council an engineer in connection with the extensions of the West Ham Mental Hospital; whether he is aware that the engineer has installed radiators all round the building notwithstanding the fact that fireplaces were fixed in all appropriate places according to the architect's plans; and whether he will state the cost of this radiator installation and who will have to bear the cost?


My right hon. Friend is advised that the Board of Control have not imposed the appointment of a consulting engineer on the West Ham Council, nor indeed have they power to do so. It is the normal practice to provide radiators for warming mental hospitals, with fireplaces as a complementary means, and both are provided in the original buildings of the West Ham Mental Hospital. My right hon. Friend is making inquiry and will communicate with the hon. Member as to the cost of the radiator installation, which will be borne by rate funds in common with the rest of the expenditure.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that in a room, 12 feet by 9 feet, where a coal fire was already installed, this inspector has ordered the installation of a large steam radiator, and is he aware that his information that this inspector has not been imposed on the West Ham Council is not correct?


I was not aware of the fact stated. But it is true that we have never imposed an engineer on the council in the way suggested.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that it was suggested that we should accept the services of the engineer of the Board of Control, and that we agreed because it was suggested that he was a specialist, but that we have found the experiment to be very doubtful in its utility?