§ 15. Sir MURDOCH McKENZIE WOODasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is yet in a position to state his attitude towards the invitation extended by the Netherlands Government to Britain to join an international conference for the purpose of reviewing the North Sea Fisheries Convention, 1882?
§ Mr. EDENHis Majesty's Government have declined the invitation of the Netherlands Government to take part in an international conference for the discussion of the limited number of points enumerated in the invitation. I understand, however, that the occasion may arise in the comparatively near future for a discussion of the international regulation of fisheries on lines similar to those of Orders recently made under the Sea Fishing Industry Act of this year, which of course affect only our own fisheries. My right hon. Friend considers it preferable that any international conference should be postponed until we are in a position to invite discussion of these wider and more important questions in the light of experience of the effects of the Orders referred to. The same opportunity could be taken to introduce any other subjects which in the opinion of His Majesty's Government may require international regulation.
§ Sir M. WOODCan the hon. Gentleman say when the Government are likely to be in a position to extend this general invitation?
§ Mr. EDENI understand that the intention is first to observe the working of the Orders, which have only recently been put into force.
Sir NAIRNE STEWARTSANDEMANDoes not this form a record as the first conference we have refused to attend?