HC Deb 13 December 1933 vol 284 c351
26. Rear-Admiral SUETER

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether he can give the chief characteristics of the German Dornier Wal flying-boat, built for the Berlin-Rio air service, and the largest flying-boat now in the service of Imperial Airways, respectively?


My information is that the 1932 standard type of Dornier Wal (two-engined)—the only type of which I have reliable particulars—has accommodation for 10 to 14 persons, a range of 700 miles with full load, and a maximum speed of 136 miles an hour. The corresponding figures for the four-engined British Short "Scipio" are 22 persons carried, 740 miles range, and 127 miles an hour. I understand that the 1933 type of Dornier Wal embodies a considerable advance on the 1932 type, but no definite details are yet available.